Root Glacial Under Arms
Abigail Chabitnoy
Skip to the end sound the sides
walls give way to stones
for crossing
She took a rock from each last place she had been
smoothed mud her palm
other seeds
for beginning
At 3 meters per day how long will it take
to reach the beach or the women
rise tide
touch gray, watch
the hard lines give
(glacial isn’t such a slow pace after all—)
Ugnerkami miskiiRiat amleritaartut.*
Even spiders
skip stones into the melting
even at the end
the thread undoes
And when the beds dried the green had lost
its lust and the mauve was merely
brown. Sea change: gray the water
and gaping, refuse of
extraction (our. last/
not last)
We must assume they observe
what we are doing—
Signs were missed. what did you think was breaking
in the caves cavities
collecting sound/
Weave the summer blades
water tight
We begin each time
with a flood.
* In the spring there are many spiders.